【5】federal rules of criminal procedure, rule 11c (1).
【6】scott & stuntz, plea bargaining as contract, 101 yale law journal 1909, 1912 (1992).
【7】albert w.alschuler, the prosecutor's role in the plea bargaining, 36 the uni-versity of chicago law review, 50 (1968).
【9】stephanos bibas, plea bargaining outside of the shadow of trial, 117 harvard law review, 2470-2471 (2004).
【14】albert w.alschuler, the prosecutor's role in the plea bargaining, 36 the uni-versity of chicago law review, 50, 52-54 (1968).
【15】albert w.alschuler, the prosecutor's role in the plea bargaining, 36 the uni-versity of chicago law review, pp.87-89.
【16】stephanos bibas, plea bargaining outside of the shadow of trial, 117 harvard law review, 2545 (2004).
【18】missouri v.frye,132 s.ct.1399,1408(2012).见本书附录ⅰ案例5。
【19】padilla v.kentucky,130 s.ct.1478(2010).出生在洪都拉斯的约瑟·帕迪拉(jose padilla),是美国永久性合法居民,因运输大麻被逮捕,尽管他已经在美国度过了整个成年时期,并且越战期间在美国军队服役,但是帕迪拉在肯塔基州法院的有罪答辩使得他必然要被引渡回洪都拉斯。帕迪拉的律师在这方面并没有提供有效的法律意见。在讨论做有罪答辩的利弊时,辩护律师不仅没有告知他定罪将导致被驱逐出境的事实,而且肯定地(也是错误地)告诉帕迪拉:“不需要担心自己的移民地位问题,因为他已经在这个国家待太久了”。见本书附录4。
【20】missouri v.frye,132 s.ct.1399,1404(2012).见本书附录ⅰ案例5。
【21】lafler v.cooper, 132 s.ct.1376, 1383 (2012).
【22】stephanos bibas, plea bargaining outside of the shadow of trial, 117 harvard law review, 2476-2479 (2004).
【23】在gideon v.wainwright一案中,美国最高法院正式确立了穷人都享有指定律师帮助的权利。公设辩护人制度正是旨在解决贫穷被告人的律师帮助权问题,公设辩护人在公设辩护人办公室工作,后者是国家经费支持的公共机构。公设辩护人是一份固定职业,区别于由法官临时指派的私人职业律师。
【24】albert w.alschuler, the defense attorney's role in plea bargaining, 84 the yale law journal, 1191-1193 (1975).
【25】stephanos bibas, plea bargaining outside of the shadow of trial, 117 harvard law review, 2480 (2004).
【26】albert w.alschuler, the prosecutor's role in the plea bargaining, 36 the uni-versity of chicago law review, 50 (1968 ).
【27】albert alschuler, plea bargaining and its history, 79 columbia law review, 11 (1979).
【30】malcolm m.feeley, plea bargaining and the structure of the criminal process, the just system journal, winter 1982, 340.
【31】albert alschuler, plea bargaining and its history, 79 columbia law review, 19-24 (1979).
【32】brady v.united states, 397u.s.742, 751-52 (1970).见本书附录ⅰ案例1。
【33】brady v.united states, 397u.s.742, 752-53 (1970).
【34】brady v.united states, 397u.s.742, 752-53 (1970).
【35】federal rules of criminal procedure, rule 11 c (1).
【36】federal rules of criminal procedure, rule 11 b (1).
【37】federal rules of criminal procedure, rule 11 b (2).
【38】federal rules of criminal procedure, rule 11 b (3).
【39】albert w.alschuler, the trial judge's role in plea bargaining, part ⅰ, 76 columia law review, 1099-1103 (1976).
【40】stephanos bibas, plea bargaining outside of the shadow of trial, 117 harvard law review, 2486 (2004).
【41】brady v.united states, 397u.s.742, 750 (1970).
【42】stephanos bibas, plea bargaining outside of the shadow of trial, 117 harvard law review, 2496-2527 (2004).
【44】jed s.rakoff,why innocent people plead guilty,://www.nybooks.com/articles/2014/11/20/why-innocent-people-plead-guilty/,最后访问日期:2017年1月1日。